The Spanish Regency have issued a decree enjoining the Provisional
Juntas to dissolve themselves. their services heintt no Ion eer service- able to the. Central Government. The Junta or Saragossa disolved itself on the same day. The Supreme Court it Justice, to which the chit of Don Francisco de Paula to the guerdianship of the young Queen was referred, have evaded giving an answer, by referring the question to the Cartes, as the only competent tribunal to decide.
Espartcro has adopted of late extraordinary precautions for his per- sonal ;.stet v. Strong detachments of troops are placed round his hotel ; and when he goes out he is attended by a numerous staff, and preceded by eight grenadiers of the Royal Guard.
The secret societies, it is said, are continually endeavouring to se- • duce the soldiers from their allegiance to the Rene:ley.
Numbers of trooes have been sent towards the Nerd' of Spain, as the Basque Province:; have given signs of revolt.
The Juntas of Alava, Biscay, and Guipnseo, Bove sent an address to Queen Christina, sympathizing with her in her misthrtunes.
Gee. el the latest acts, of the Regency has bee.: te issue an amnesty to political offenders:, extending to the CarliSiS 'alto are now exiled iii France.
The Queen of Portugal closed the sessi,,,n of the Cortes on the 30th of November. The royal speech on the occasion was more than usually insignificant.