l'apers have aigiN•ed from Cepe 'fee !) to the teem:
itf September.
. 'hey .sii!ig.:•:aplo,'.!„ •; !dive Council
std in the leading articles of It.. Hirt....• 7-Sion of the Government paperonotisy, vA;; I. the Hume Government, hilt asp !eel by tia• 1. i, l t; .-f. 'I • •Ifief oppo- nent of the Provincial Governineut .1 :Ir. j
whose speech is given at great length it: the t i ed.. eelef 'rtrtiscr.
The Governor intemleil leaving Cape Town on the of October, to pay a visit to the frontier.
The number of shipwrecks which liaa roe, ntly ocenrred in Table Bay had given occasion to a public meeting in Cape TofN11. on the 26th of 8:ptember ; at which a res!•littion mate passed, ycTmwtimt! the Governor to appoint a commission to ifs:mires ht.() the isms:• of ft., many wrecks. 'Pile following se. sets are liteiftioned as having Levu latf.ly Nei-eel:ea — the Paragon, Le Cyone, the Palmer. the Ilea eed. and the !Catherine Jaiiiicont. The resollitions ileelared that the charaetee of the Bay as a place of safety was con eerned.