12 DECEMBER 1840, Page 11


L, lands on eircum-

a decent ine -ma—and that secret .; ..1 worth. The ve:y pathos is of a pecu- niary nature : demon • :y bank-note is the love-spell that enthrals the heart of t! tart,, and a lefet on Drunnuon d's! Leterinines his destiny.

Evelyn, at 1, . • r arudge and dependent u: leis kinsman Sir

John 'Vesev. i r aqua:ailed an inner -e fortune just after

having . • coe-ii, Clara Deaeh.s .1•:: the very suffi-

cient rue., :1: . ' th.en :1,.. - es of subsistence.

The only r, ' a- thus removed, their marrle, e-, • !his happens in the

first act, aml ;1 . : accordingly, Evelyn, who had bean -elle:lel eh or rater, whose only fault is a cynic -! ' . and scorn of

11;1501-a,.,. is s'• i 1. :I! coxcomb, and du: ,err. II. wants a wife, and is • a (.r, s'lly flirt whom he does :: ;sir John,) and Clara I iii, s, and who returns e I him for being poor.

• --;1:•

• - -em: a ten- -le to relin-e her was the ano- e,eity of a base- 1- to a man of large I. He soon finds a papa, ;old 111115 sweevet1S; has

711:1t sir.' has

Evelyn might have ..1 otleetion. of con- : thousand ten thou- .:, pre:ended each .: the :hat

• of tile

,• • :.in , .,onoe :i that ,

..tion 1 t he lard,

,.; r!.,1 as

, a

.nay (Olt Ards vi he. like the rest, ste.ay. 1..oro's eloittent I c also clici:e,1 Imrst of ;IF,' 1:1,• Pxci:ca gage S■ nipathy.

. . • s si : tbc ;de. touching.

sup; :DM assumed

i .1:1.1 11-a s: ,eleaess when the through the constraint, ,a1 her maidenly re- SIREDWARD Bet,Wint's ..lbalry was brought out at the Haymarket on Tuesday, under every possible advantage, and with the eclat usually attendant on the first representation of a new play by a popular writer : the house was crowded with the author's admirers and pri- vate friends, a slight sprinkling of his "enemies" being added by way of seasoning; and public curiosity, whetted by delay and the bruit of green-room gossips, was eager for gratification. The re- peated postponements had given opportunity for frequent and diligent rehearsals ; the good effects of which were evident in the smoothness and elaboration of the performances : the actors to to man were zealous in the cause, and both scene-painter and manager had clone their utmost to give spit:nate:at fed completeness to the hike en ,m:'ne—which is as superb and brilliant as Covent Carden ever witnesse 1, and surpasses in power of illusion :;II firmer doings of the Haymarket stage. To crown

all, the play tva the most fastidious laughed at the ab-

surdities they and the less critical portion of the audience—

by far the delighted equally with the fun and the seael.:1...t : the hissea, and they were neither few nor un- merited, were t down to the account of " malice "—the motive attributed to all \che ■liqmte Sir Ele.vann Bur,wEn's perfections ; and

there only at'.'- viable presence of the author in front of the stage-box, wl ye,. it yea: pretty evident he bad been lying perdu, "to

share the trim:eh ! partake the gale." he, however, wisely with- drew, in tim the mangier to announce the fact that Sir

EDWARD EVI,Wr" 1'1,1 quitted the theatre, which some few persons were

rude enough to : :ma Mr. Marniemv and Miss FAucrr were his proxies for receiv tha popular applause, including the share that

their own exerti,e,,, well merited.

So much flir the " pemp and circumstance" of this affair ; which, being: the nee.: ; ,'muted attention first. The general cha-

racteristic-- ef a., 1 i -:'i::;hle to call for very nice discrimina- tion : it is it p, le:. ', elaear, ,et :pt,ra:lant caricature of the lowest class of cluh-men-- -f .il " Tom and Jerry." Some bustling scenes of broad e. leferinixe,l with a clue quantity of sentimental speeches ; the p!a-'e a plot and incident being supplied by stage-situa- tions as 'areas as any that Buces-roxn ever contrived,

and a ma 'edit and transparent that it requires a resolute

assumption e,' " al.was not to see through it from the first.

The author a, : • however money being- his theme, pounds,

shillinge, :e . a a 1 --a' ea, a. of' the argument ; and the lessen 1::e . la worships wealth .1 and despises therefrom, to the

effect thet all stances, and 1

almsgiving t.

ptizze, ,

not e for, e Ibetel H. ,

h is

1.10 i resolves to n.." pound


tlyroce., mittri..• I fort, Cat se t. P • it to tile for befor.., tle., wee. If at :e releasaa her Sr.

lout e?i.,•ovaI-

a• othetr's go; 1,e

In the : end of the set where lively it a room full of racy and pre'... needy spi it ...; the fenner Ct.'It :-.11.0c1. ununcut 11;. i•1' of COa11r.0:I consinrurc ror!.:0Dill 1' hi C011,:!..1

, i .1.

was a 111,-.'0 • CaliO1

indeed, this eh la :hiss llehea F t: t earuestaess at 1.11 calmness of the le, kiiniNvonian's rte.: serve, bespoke true delicacy of feeling. MAennanr, as Evelyn, exerted himself to the utmost ; indeed his energy and activity were often bois- terous and excessive : he did not, however, succeed on the first night in making the distinction apparent between the real and assumed emotions of the character. As he mellows in the part, he will doubtless give it more repose and variety of light and shadow : meanwhile, every allow- ance must be made for the painful circumstances under which he made the effort, which, together with his friendly zeal, may well excuse any undue vehemence. The prevailing character of the whole perform- ance, however, was noisy and violent; as if the actors were straining at too high a pitch. WRENCH, as Captain Dwiky Smuoth, or " Deadly t4naooth " as he is nicknamed, from the bland and imperturbable style in which he plucks his victims, looked the true polished blackleg: his sissy assurance, oily address, and the confidential way in which he ingratiated himself into the favour of every man who had any thing to lose, seemed not an assumption but tine result of habit. We:esteem, as Graves, a. melancholy widower who is for ever apoeirophizing his "sainted Maria" and looking out for some one to supply her place, has rather too rosy an aspect for a hypoeho:Wriee, though in his passage through this " vale of tears " he has an eye to creature-comforts. Mr. WALTER LACY, as Sir .1%rteltriek Blount, an exquisite, the humour of whose cha- racter consists in hie pronouncing the letter rill:0 le, walked through an insignificaut part with propriety and nonchalance seemingly un- studied. F. Vostso, as Len/ Gi,s.s7aure, an aristocratic Whig, hat only to utter the catchword "constitution." The pendent of this vapid sketch, ;Ur. Benjamin Stout, a Radical M.P. and political economist, is a more ridiculous burlesque ; which Mr. Davin Bites latale as grotesque as the author could desire. Indeed, the Arecurs of the company were the most effective. Mrs. Ceoven, as Lady Franklin, a buxom widow, and Miss 1'. Boleros, as Georeiea, heve very little scope for their ta- lents; and STRICKLAND, as Sir John Fcscy, who had opportunities for acting, did not make ;retort use of them. The scenes at the club were capitally mannered; and that where Evelyn is pigeoned by Dudley Smooth is highly amusing and life-like. The interiors of Evelyn's mansion are sumptuously elegant, and painted by MAnsam.i. with pictorial effect. An appearance of space is pro- duced, by showing one room beyond another, that we have never before seen at the Haymarket.