We would fain believe that Air. Sruaer. is not the
only English- man who is anxious to contribute to ,virus the alleviation of the sufrerings of the Lvonnese. We have indeed received a letter in Which the writer deprecates such charity, on the ground of " the large drains which France makes on our pockets. and our having ' " distress enough at home." As to the drains upon our pockets ! by France, we are really not aware of their existence. As to the misery at home—Spitaliiehls is instanced by the writer, and Ireland might be added—the ealainit s at Lyons could not be foreseen and guarded against it is nu isolated occurrence, and cannot prove a continual drain on the benevolent. It is one of those dispense- ti■ ms of Providence which cannot be adequately met by human foresight, and to repair which, every man ought on the spur of the occasion to contribute what he may. As to the eases of Spital- fields and Ireland, they lie within the sphere of our daily duty. What we owe to these sufferers, 11101V0Ver, iS 1101 money alone—it is persevering exertion to procure for them such a Government as will givo their industry fair play, and such instruction as will teach them the necessity of being industrious, and the means of rendering their industry available. humanity to the Lyonnese cannot inter- fere with our duty to our countrymen.