1), cm, ;nal rem/ Ihr Chapf,rs iy' thc Cainearal and
and lialc$, Scowy:an,
That your vier: with reo'et the i•rperfeet inann-:r in which the service is at present pet formed in our Cathedral t'lltirehes. That the (lurks ;ire itackaittate to the due and sokno erformanee.of Cathe- dral mitsic ; and that sech improve:I:ems as the L'IrTters may he pleased to make in their respective Choirs still Le hailed by yotir atuttoria s trith grati- tude.
That they would rests ;it:idly offer the following suf2gystions, to the consider- ation of the Ch.lpters. 1. That i'on' the proper perIltrmance of Cathedral music, thar voices at least are rispairil to a part, viz. fear .,11tos, four Tenors, and four Basses, with an appropriate number of boys. 2. That it Doubt Li desiralk., to hare a atm est:ill:sheik in which the Choir inigbt meet cc: a o eel:, to the masie for the following Sims day, and thins the sataci'ne:s c 1 elto.reit he now,' rt li,":•tuly regarded. 3. Tina the Organis'. as 1..,. •ter a the Luc.', shot,:d mote comiluely direct Bit ir musical taitteat ion—as hide, d, accordiug to t bo ,pIrit of the se't clad sta- tutes, he is hound to do; by which means they ,1■111,1 Lept in an ulicient sate, and be taught not only to sing at church, but also to pl,,y upon
numt-, dud Le well plollIBild in the Hiccry I Int:sit% It is. howe,er, self- evideet, that di., ;cog,' of the dtdie. which uoai I 'soil 111.1111, were this memo- rial ftill■- cal lied too, min1,1 live 1,e the char • ..1 of thll! large portion of our prolsssistial ca:pluamm cinicit is uurunurrtcd with proper dutiCS11, These citga:', melds are at present absolutely ucces-my ha' the theeto ,uppert ours,1%, s : we w,"1110, gladly devote a LIT,' r portion of our tba,- :0 0111' C:ltl:t :1,111111.0 and Call only hope that it in a, is requited of es than When ccr were first appointed to our situ:t- hous, we ,h:111 nod to tlo rohy. Tour memorialists trust that this statement of their views and wishes will Le received in the ,ann• ',phi' iu cchielt it is sulmiii led to your consideration. Tiny hope th■ ,11!11! not s, CM to he sleppiug ccOt of their pillier sphere if, in enitrlusion, they rev, la to t he gnat la neat w !Mit malki re-tilt to the cause of
religion I hrotigImut the book fioni the nowt' decent and Inn pullout:nice of the daily service in tu, ry Cathedral ; which could not tall, among other effects,
to produce a deeper Ii cling of the hcauty of church music, and increased con-
gregatirms on w n k-dat s. And y our memorialists, &e.
J. A nove, Organist of the Cathedral, Gloucester, lt. ,t. ATKINS. Orennisi Of 1110 CuiLrdrnl. SI. A`tti.1,7 J. 13AltItVt-r, Organist or the l'atliethal. St. David's, G. BATES, Organist of the Cathedral, Ripon, J. BENNETT, Organist of the Cathedral, Chichester, Z. Bova, Organist of the Cathedral, Norwich, A. T. Conn:. Organist of the Cathedral, Salisbury, J. D. Court:, Organist of the Cathedral, Bristol, (3. J. Et,vcr, \1 us. Doe., Organist of St. George's, Windsor, F. GUNTON, Or2attist of the Collegiate Church, Southwell, J. 3. HARRIS, ()rgaitist of the CollegiateClittrelt. 'Manchester, TI1031AS BAY LETT, Organist of Chester Cathedral, formerly of the' •
Choirs, Cambridge,
J. HUNT, ()rgaitist of the Cathedral, Ilereford, It. dssus, Organist of the Cathedral, Ely, J. Murctri:t.t... Organist. of Eton College,
W, 1'1:muss, Organist of the Cathedral, Wells,
J. l'aING, :%Itis Doc., Organist of Bangor Cathedral, late Chorister of St. l'aud's Cathedral.
J. II. SALE, Organist to her 'Majesty of the Choirs of the Chapels Royal and Westminster Abbey, G. SKELTON. Organist of the Cathedral, Lincoln, O. Sm.%mr, Knight, Organist and f Amposer to her Majesty's Chapels
icy al,
J. Ser.r.citm:v, Organist of the Cathedral. Peterborough, W. St•et,ow, Organist of the Collegiate Church, .Manchester, J. T un LE, OrgailiSt of Westminster Abbey,
1%c the undersigned, members of the musical profession, would view with great satisfartion the adoption of any measure similar to that recommended in the annexed memorial. We feel confident that any step which the Deans and t'llapters may b • p1casts1 to take for the restoration of our noble Cathedral Streice to it: proper dignity and magnificence, would rd,.. the musical taste of the people it large. and enable each organi-t to deem,: himself wholly anti solely, as it is 41,s:inch!, he should be able to do. to the duties of his church, to the general :aqua imendence of the choir, and to the composi ioll and arrange- ment of the Cathedral music.
AsinhasoN. G. W., Director of her M'aj,vty's Private Band, BARNETT. boomer, Royal _keadtany of Music, BELL, Awl, Toom is Lunrottn,'
111:ssave. \VIM-1%M STERNii.11.1: Professor of Music', Royal Academy, Besstca, Lout; rnia;r11 111S1loo, 11. It., B :r, Oxon, BLACKBURN, .1., Organist of Ciapharn Church, formerly Chorister of
St. Paul's Cathedral,
CALKIN, JusrriL Cotaltictor of her Majesty's State Band,
Cirminv, Bien sun, th':.11ist. of St. Mark's, Armagh,
CRAMER, El,..‘Nt:o1S, CRAMER, WILLIAM, COOKE, T., London, ELLIOTT, Organist of Curzon Chapel. '31n■ fair, IlActcurr, Comtu:s D., Organist of the ['anis!! Church, Rotherham, (:E,1L;I: F., th'.,11,ist of St. Lawrutve Jew-y, Guildhall, and St. Mary Magdalene, Milk Street, 1.onaon, Ilx.wEi.t, 11.1.1ANI, Of St. Paul's Cathedral and the Chapel loyal. llousnEv, 15'11.1.1AS, MMus. 13ac., Oxon,
1.01/1.11, ,Ionia I)., 1 )irector and Leader of the Philharmonic Society,
ClIABLES. Professor of Maxie, nova] Acatietny,
lloittakN, .1., Or:ani-4 of Christ Church, Cheltenham, HOiatgUc, a..1. S., Organist c f Covent Carden Church, formerly Cho-
rister of Sr. Paul's Cathedral, 0111'11.1NT, TlItititAtZ,
1'O'1":1:1t. CIVIZIAN1, of the li,.e.,1 A vale nn' of Music, London. sialviat a, .1. II- Organist of the German 'Lutheran Church, Trinity Lane, City of kotaloa, SMITH, G. Towssrsrt, Organist re,- St. T.NI111. Norfolk, STUBBES!-. Ec w,cjn, Or:anti:1 of the Foundling I lospital, late Chorister of St. Paul's l'a'Lcdml,
Senaccu, ('ita 1.1a: Como, London.
TAYLOR, liuw.tcU. lin,ii:1111 Prillinr of Musk', Tiootxs .1-1-rwoon,
Of Intu,ic in till' i'Lkersity of
Wr.t•Ttiolt, 11,:NIZN. London.
We the midersigned, Clertynt" n of the Church of England, would vide' With
heartfelt satisfaction the adoption of any measure it, that recommended in the motes:et! ownlorial. We feel confident that any steps which the ILans :old Chapters may he to take for the lest, F:1111,1 of our noble Cathedral 'mire to its proper i.i,4iiily and magnificence, %scold gain for them the ati'ec Gins of the laorle at largo, would- ad‘ario iti to) th..;.;:r..e the cause religion throughout 11.,. I oal, alai would poutotc the .Voniglity God, 1,■• (arr■ log to.t ilduntiotts of our Cathedrals; whose main (d.j. et, it is et L'a. was secure loe atol :nu per of Divine in ti-vi Cittill aral daily ;Ina tccr. (To this doeutmitt are appended t la' e: I I a.rgytnen.) College, and Professor