The defeat of the Whig candidate at Carlow, by a
majority much greater than the most sanguine Conservatives exiceted, has been magnified br them into a triumph big with tnirtentous conse- quences; whilst the ill grace with which the other side bear their defeat shows their sense of its importance. As an indication of the dissevering effect of the Repeal agitation among the ',bends, this election derives more weight than from the mere additon of one to the Opposition side of the House—though that is sonething when the balance ponders so overtly. Mr. O'CONNELL'S paler, the Pilot, broadly asserts that Mr. Possosuv's Committee retool the prof- fered aid of the Repeaters, and even went out of thus way to ex- culpate the county from participating in the presto. agitation. Another characteristic of the state of fooling among the people is the comparative apathy with which they viewed the contest : the Pilot distinctly admits that the masses took little intrest in it. Mr. O'CONNELL, not quite consistently with the broad prin- ciple he lays down, that no good to Ireland can conic from the British Parliament, is endeavouring to excite an interest in the Mayo election. A candidate pledged to Repeal has at length been found to contest the county against a Whig and a Tory. In his behalf; therefore, all the powers of the new agitation are to be brought into play. The Ministers must be kept in, whether Ire- land obtain " justice" or not.