Zbr jlletropolis.
Parliament was on Thursday prorogued, ill the usual form, until Tuesday the 26th of January- next. It will then meet for the despatch of business. The Lords Commissioners were—the Lord Chancellor, the Marquiss of Normanby, and Viscount Duneannon.
A Court of Common Council was held on Tharsday ; at which a re- port from the City Lands Committee was presented, recommending, the letting of the vacant space of ground at the west of Cheapside for build- ing. The Chairmen moved that the report be adopted; but an amend- ment, that it should he " laid on the table," was carried by a large ma- jority. At the same Court, it was agreed, that 1,0001. should be granted to the British and Foreign School Society, towards the expense of the large Normal Schools now erecting by the Society. An amendment was proposed, to limit the grant to 500/.; but the original motion was carried by a large majority.
On Tuesday, the Lord Mayor gave Isis first dinner at the Mansion- • house to the Court of Aldermen, on the swearing ill of Sir James Duke as Alderman of the Ward of Farringtlon Without. We are informed , by the daily papers, that "the entertainment presented turtle i great ! abundance, and was considered by the first-rate judges present as a ' highly 4avourable omen of Corporation expectations; they declared • that it reminded them of the days long gone by."
The annual Smithfield Club Cattle Show was opened to the public on Wednesday, at the Ho se Bazaar, King Street, Baker Street. The show is considered to be a very good one ; though the number of cattle exhibited is not so large as last year, owing to the murrain having thinned the stocks. Earl Spencer, the Cheirman of the Club, was elude in attendance ; as also were P. Pusey, Esq., M.P., the President of the Royal Agricultural Society, the Duke of bliehmond, a Barclay, Esq., Colonel Challoner, and a great number of the leading inemliers of Agricultural Societies throughout England and Scotland. The Com- mittee met on Tuesday to award the prizes. Earl Silencer obtained the first prize in the seeond class, and a gold and silver medal for a bullock.
The Smithfield Cattle Club dinner took place yesterday, at the Free- mason's Tavern ; Earl Spencer in the chair.