Su■ri!,.\ Ni).
understend that the Ferl of teair has been appoieted Keeper of
the Great Seal for Scotia]] ], held I:y tile laic 1).11,e of ArgyIL- Irittass.
'lliree caneidates are -•.I lit' the repres:.•:.1:i71011 of the Kirk- caldy burghs, vaellet by the -wash of Air. l'ergasam el Rabb. The Srolmariee says it is untlers1:;., 1 lira ('olonei liobert Feraseson, son of (;-octal Sir Donald Pere c iii oiler himsele Tin' E,iittbur44 Obscreo. names :Ur. ilethune, of Ilalftetr, mel also Mr.
Fergu.:, of fti,rialtore, a forInc:- us likely tit c one forward. There was a very stories. latteeenee at GIttisots- can Thursday the though etmvened for the idled, emeeee i() 011 address of con- gratulation to the Queen and Prima! Alliert on the birth of the Princess lieyal. The I evertiste init.: (I, :eel I:reposed amend: address, ift whieli the persons confined. 1k- oli; kid offences were recommentled to her Majest:.'s clemency on such tt jot. ful occasion. The Lord Provort was in the chair. Mr. Is iv a id, el sees present, and attempted to address the smell-es c het the 11111110} NV ;•!!: sn tt•yeat that no speeches couhl be heard. The anuoided mitire ss sear li.!Viarl'11 to be ea-eative4 end list ee'ieiu:t 1.:•;Ticol ire ci pre:i.. majority.
The Preshyle.y oe beee ,;lip:. ;tar? y next as a day
of thtuakegivieg fer the Lea :al iii .:t hesvest. 'flea Lords of Seesiort (nothing loth to i-olyalay-nakbse) lin ••• aecoralieely giver orders that
they shall on that day C311 Slls..0 caunt,t bd adjeurned or delayed. At a meeting of tee l':•esle. teey t f le.ish.e, on Nlealnesday, week, the answer from the l'e.tin,Hter-G1•1,l'I'di Was read it, ;11)S11, vi• to ihe•ie petition against rail was. - !ea v ell ie es on Sunday. The letter stave! ire effect, the. lea deelittie, hs Menge;'-,es in ey my:aye:nem that may be made for the tearre ing on of the pot lie iotslte-ss in Scotland. • A goo-I Lc:: ,e ilt"litr•-.. I; 1..l. :1 . in CI. sgow w item the last ft:sr (LIN ; 01'0 Or 1.11.1,1 iii i .1 -,,, The 1(-la! ...mount of ,•• :1'y complite the Scs..d..t inottur.,-ut i•:■11111.111.2:1, f'...•:11: • I■t•Inp. tuaeie 111) With .11; Lill r:.•mi 1,-Ini!tmtee iCg,L , has lie, hilt-it, and in ; Oil .• l■;:'11 I 1•1.1CC '1.1 St.
o.!:1:... 1.1', toi live of the • le ae•-• the sedl. tee : • -Ind that has :a 1 Ivhich eer%iee : 11..•I.