The election of the Dean of St. Patrick's took ph
ice on Tuesday, in Dublin. There were twenty of the Chapter present on the occasi including the Archdeacon. Two voted by proxy ; and three ..vere ab• Sent—namely, the Reverend Thomas Tisdall, Prelanolary of M:iyntattli, Reverend 'lemmas AIagee, mad the Reverend Mr. eleeres—and wury declared contumacious. Out of the twenty present and the two pro al2s for Dr. Short and Dr. AlaGuinness, 11 voted for I fr. Daly, ;anal 11 for Wilson, his opponent. Two of the 11 for the fist-gamest candid:de were the votes of the Archbishop and Dr. Ter1,1; which were (deemed to. The Archdeacon then declared Dr. Daft el, ctsal Dean of St. Patrick's. The Dublin Monitor says----" The mat.,er mill not, as we are informed, terminate here, lint will be brought befere the Queen's Belicht where three points are to be argued—two as to the legality of the Arch- bishop's and Dr. Todd's votes ; and the third will be, whether the Pre- sident has a casting-vote." At the head of a requisition to the Churchwardens of St. Mary's parish, Dublin, to call a meeting to promote Irish manufactures, appear
the names of the Duke of Leinster. the Earl of Charlemortt, Charlet Lindsey, Archdeacon of Kildare, John Hamilton, Roman Catholic Archbishop, and George Atkinson, on behalf of the Governor ana Company of' the Apothecaries Hall.
The Poor-law Guardians of Seariff Cnien, County Clare, have aka:- solved to admit reporters to their meetines. Mr. Hawley, one of the Poor-law Commissioners, opposed the motion ; and stated that the
question as to the legality t,I admitting the press would be probably tried between the Cork Uttareians ;Bid the Commissioners next term.
A solicitor, moving in respectable and who held the office of Sub-Sheriff for the city of Dullin last year, Mr. John !inkiest :Malone, was summoned for almost unheard-of cruelties towards his (laughter, a young lady of about sixteen or seventeen. Ile lucked her up in a room, limiting her to a stervetien-allowance of food ; and for sixty days she never had change of drese, tire, or candle. She used to obtain drink from her father's aerrant throagh the keyhole, forming a pipe or funnel of a piece of paper. 'Food was frequently sent up to her by a string- from the outside. The facts hI eame known to Inspector O'Connor; who lodged a complaint befbre the Magistrates of College Street ; sum- moned the father ; and, in'd,:•feult of his not answering the SILHIM0124 orders were given to break .l en the door, and liberate the unfortunate girl. She was conveyed lei re' the Magistrates ; anal lodged with great reluctance informations tmaie• ! her father, with a view, as she stated, to her receiving better treat:lit-J:1 is !'::!ore. l'he father did not attend; but some respectable gentle men, :heirs of his, did, (amongst the rest. the High Sheriff of the city o'i hildin,) and they undertook to have the atfitir brought to son- enlicabe• :::•:•aleeensee. The young lady had been previeeslv edueated of the first beard in:2;-:-elloois in Dublin. The reason:: f,r the chango in her father's treatment did not transpire. An inquest was in•ld in I la'.1111 i n S.O1rday, on the body of Mr.. Itimplary Alinelene a meeicad stieleete who died in vonsomentea of e wound. it:flick-1 1:y a licav: stoic. jug- threwn at his Ite:(1 by a woman in a house ill-fame littri: a disturbance and fight. The woman is committed for trial.