It is with the deepest pain that we mention a
rumour, now grown into absolute certainty, of the loss of her Majesty's ship Fairy, 10 guns. It is with the deepest pain that we mention a rumour, now grown into absolute certainty, of the loss of her Majesty's ship Fairy, 10 guns.
Commander George Byng, of the Racer, Id, was drowned in the rollers of Vera Cruz on the 14th of September. The deceased left the Racer in a gig, on that day, accompanied by Mr. J. Byng, his cousin, son of the Honourable Captain Byng. When crossing the bar of the river, time surf was so high that the gig was upset : the captain and. coxswain regained the boat, and remained clinging to it an hour; during. the interval time midshipman and the seamen reached the shore, and then, much exhausted, endeavoured to procure assistance ; but no one could be induced to cross the liar. Captain Byng and the coxswain were at last washed from the gig by a tremendous sea, and the coxswaia alone succeeded in reaching the shore alive ; the captain swam a long distance before his strengths failed him, and when observed from tine shore he was making no progress. Two of his boat's crew went out ti assist him; but they only found his corpse, which they brought on shore.