The Globe, in a paragraph headed "Royal Self-possession," gives the
following report of what passed between time Queen and Prince Albert immediately after the birth of the Princess Royal. "During the firs interview that Prieee Albert had with the Queen immediately after her Majesty's accouchement, his Royal Highness, with great delicacy affect- ing, expressed a fear lest the nation might experience some disappointment when it should become known that the Royal infant was not a Prince. Her Majesty, notwithstanding the necessary exhaustion under which site must have laboured, replied, whh great naivete, w Never mind, Albert, the next shall be a boy "
The intrusion of the boy Jones into Buckingham Palace has been kept up as a topic of talk since our last publiestion. His motives, his sanity, his mode of effecting an entrance, and even the reported extent of his success in penetrating the recesses of the Palace, have all been questioned. It appears from a statement in the Times of Monday, that the accounts previously published had been very incorrect in the latter particulars. Doubtless, young Mr. Jones is a pretty considerable liar.