The whole of the letter sent by the Duke of
Wellington to the Standard, respecting the report that he had been deceived by Mr. Shaw to obtain his sanction to the Irish Corporation Bill, has been published. The Duke, it seems, did not take the mutilated publication of his letter in good part. He therefore sent a copy of the whole of it to Mr. Shaw,. to make what Use of it he thought proper. Mr. Shaw sent it to the Dublin Evening Mail. The parts omitted by the Standard express the Duke's " utmost indifference" to all misrepresentations which appear in the newspapers that affect his character alone ; and state more ex- plicitly, that his object in -writing, was to do Mr. Sit:se justice. In his Grace's letter to Mr. Shaw, he again expresses his disregard of news- paper misrepresentations, and objects to the mutilated publication of the letter, because it leaves the public to believe that Ito cared "one pin. about the report" excepting as it was connected with Mr. Shaw's name. The Standard professes great humility an this republication. " We neither reply nor complain," says the journal ; but it follows these ex- pressions of humility by renewing the attack on Mr. Shaw,—who also has published a part only of the Duke's letter to him.
Sir Arthur Brooke has written to the Morning Chronicle to deny the correctness of the report of his speech at the Fermanagh Conservative Association, relative to the expulsion of his Roman Catholic tenants. What he stated was, that he should always give the preference to Pro- testants, but he wctuld not turn the Roman Catholics out. There are, he says, at this time, many Roman Catholics holding farms on his pro- perty as tenauts at will.