12 DECEMBER 1896, Page 1


TEE air is full of rumours about action to be taken to compel the Sultan to behave himself, and reform his administration. We have discussed them at length elsewhere, but may mention here that we believe them to be true up to a point. The Sultan will be asked to concede certain reforms suggested by Lord Salisbury and accepted by Russia and France, and to give "a guarantee" for their execution,— namely, as is hinted, possession of certain points in the Sea of Marmora. So far seems clear, but there is still some hesita- tion as to coercion, if coercion is necessary, ending, we fancy, 'though we pretend to no secrets, in a decision that coercion must follow refusal, but that its method can be settled when refusal has become certain. That is dangerous, but it seems clear that M. Nelidoff is convinced of the risk of letting things drift, and we will hope for the best. Pharaohs are :stubborn cattle, even when they are frightened.