12 DECEMBER 1896, page 23

My Book Of Heroism (edward Arnold) Contains The Stories Of

some score and more of heroes and heroines,—Sir Philip Sidney is the first in point of time ; Martin E. Sprague, of the Metro- politan Fire Brigade, who was mortally injured in......

The Natural History Of The Year. Illustrated By J: A.

Thomson. (Andrew Melrose.)—Mr. Thomson has naturally arranged his talks, as we may call them, in four parts, consisting of five chapters each. They are meant for young readers,......

The Missionary Martyr Of Theban,. (s. W. Partridge.) —...

Lambert went out as a missionary to China, but was soon transferred to Bhamo, in Upper Burmah. He then went to Mandalay, where he worked among the lepers. In the early part of......

The Way Of The World At Sea. By W. J.

Gordon. (R.T.S.) — Here we have a practical and instructive account of how sailors work and live. The first chapter is given to the pilot, whose occupation is hardly as well......

The Magazine Of Art, 1896. (cassell And Co.)—this Volume...

an unusual and melancholy interest from the fact that it contains memorial notices of two Presidents of the Royal Academy—Lord Leighton and Sir John Millais—both from the pen of......

Featherland. By Manville Fenn. (bell And Sons.)—this Is...

to the purposes of a reading-book of a lively descrip- tion, which has found much favour with the public, of bird-life in itself and in its relations with other creatures. It is......

Under The Foeman's Flag. By Robert Leighton. (a....

Leighton takes what may almost be called a new departure in this story. He tells his " Story of the Spanish Armada" from the opposite point of view, so far at least as locality......

The Bickerton Medal. By Skelton Kuppord. (r.t.s.)—the...

been pleased to disguise himself under this grotesque name has written an excellent story. The " Bickerton medal " is a medal given to the Tram Street School in Glasgow, to be......

The Art Journal, 1896. (j. S. Virtue And Co.)—this Volume

is noticeably good, not only in respect of some excellent bits of work, but also for its variety of interest. There is a particularly beautiful etching by G. H. Manesse, after......

In Honour's Cause. By G. Manville Fenn. (s. W. Partridge.)

—The hero, one Frank Gowan, is a page in George l.'s Court, and Mr. Manville Fenn describes his experience in the rather troublous times that succeeded the coming of the......

The Travels Of Seek - Trust. By W. T. Andress. (e.

Wilmshurst.) —This is an allegory, one of the numberless imitations of "The Pilgrim's Progress." Mr. Andress has the courage of his opinions. Music, singing, eloquence, and......

Cherry And Violet. By The Author Of " The Household

of Sir Thomas More." (J. C. Nimmo.)—Among the many readers who remember with pleasure "The Household of Sir Thomas More " and its equally delightful companion, " Mary Powell,"......