12 DECEMBER 1896, page 1

News Of The Week.

T EE air is full of rumours about action to be taken to compel the Sultan to behave himself, and reform his administration. We have discussed them at length elsewhere, but may......

The Trial Of Herr Leckert And Baron Von Liitzow For

libel has produced a great scandal in Berlin. The real prosecutor is Baron von Marschall, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and his allegation is that Herr von Tansch, Chief......

South Africa Is Always The Land Of Disagreeable...

week there are three of them. One is as yet unconfirmed, that the Boers of the Orange Free State expect to be attacked by the Basutos, the most powerful of the remaining Bantu......

The Pall Mall Gazette Of Monday Gave A Remarkable Account,

which we have the best reason to believe accurate, of the circumstances which led to Lord Rosebery's resignation of the leadership of the party. It declared that Lord Rose- bcry......

It Is Quite Clear That An Addition Must Be Made

to the Army ; and the St. James's Gazelle affirms that the War Office will ask for eight new battalions and seventy-two more field- guns, which latter are urgently required. We......

• * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In

any ease.......