12 DECEMBER 1896, page 15

An Unimpeachable Presentiment.

[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR.`] Sia,—As official shorthand writer for the Crown in East Fife, I took notes of evidence, under "The Fatal Accidents Inquiry (Scotland) Act,......


A DECEMBER RIDE. On that we two were riding this morning, you and I, Along the wind-swept Barham Down, beneath the pale blae sky ! How freshly, as we galloped, around us we......

A Dog-story.

[TO THE EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, —A few days ago I took my setter to an inn in the country. Before going to my room I went out, leaving the dog and my traps in the......


[TO THE EDITOR 01 THE SPECTATOR7 SIR, —I have read, as I am sure' many West-Coasters will have read, with great interest your article in the Spectator of November 14th on......

"rupee Railways " In India.

[To THZ EDITOR 011 TEl " SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—In the Spectator of December 5th you naturally ask for information as to the extent and kind of assistance the Government of India......

On The Selling Of Books.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your notice of my article in the Nineteenth. Century, " On the Selling of Books," in the Spectator of December 5th, your reviewer......