12 DECEMBER 1896, Page 23

The Bickerton Medal. By Skelton Kuppord. (R.T.S.)—The gentleman who has

been pleased to disguise himself under this grotesque name has written an excellent story. The " Bickerton medal " is a medal given to the Tram Street School in Glasgow, to be worn by the dux of the sixth standard for the time being. It seems about to go to a certain James Cameron, when 1i new competitor appears in a white faced little boy from London, who has been taught at home, and taught in a way which has brought out his natural powers. The story of how the competition goes on, how it is complicated by various adventures and accidents, and of what comes of it in the end, is excellently told. The writer knows what he is writing about, and has a pretty gift of humour too. His apology for making a hero of a boy who could do girls' work—Willie stops at home to do for his aunt when she is ill—is very amusing.