12 DECEMBER 1896, Page 23

In Honour's Cause. By G. Manville Fenn. (S. W. Partridge.)

—The hero, one Frank Gowan, is a page in George l.'s Court, and Mr. Manville Fenn describes his experience in the rather troublous times that succeeded the coming of the Hanoverians to England. Frank, who has for a companion page a Jacobite, gets into various difficulties ; his father, a Captain in the Guards, fights a duel and is exiled, and generally has more adventures than his son. But the story, if not very exciting, is readable, the dialogue is brisk and lively, and a boy gets a fair notion of what a page's life at Court in those days was. Frank is a true boy, and Lady Gowan, his mother, is also a well-drawn, natural character, and we may recommend these two to our young friends.