12 DECEMBER 1896, Page 24

From Scrooby to Plymouth Rock. By Henry Johnson. (R.T.S.) — This

is an account of the founding of New England, based, we suppose, largely on Dr. Brown's recent work. The facts are given in a compendious and readable form. We cannot accept without qualification Mr. Johnson's opening sentence : "Freedom to worship God according to the direction of conscience was the prin- ciple for which the Pilgrim Fathers persistently strove." Insert " their own " before " conscience," and it will be sufficiently near It is interesting to turn to pp. 123-24 : " John and Samuel Browne began conducting services according to the Prayer-book but were speedily stopped. Governor Endicott summoned the leading mal-

contents before him They were sent back home, much against their will." There was no liberty for them, anyhow, to " worship God according to the direction of conscience."