12 DECEMBER 1896, Page 24

The Swiss Family Robinson. A New Version by E. A.

Brayley Hodgetts. (G. Newnes and Co.)—Mr. Hodgetts tells us that he has made his translation directly from the German, most other versions having come through the French, and that he has retrenched some of the sentimentalities of his original. The great fault of the book cannot be eradicated. This more exact age resents the aecumulation in one island of the products of more than one continent. Nevertheless, it will always find, and, indeed, deserves to find, readers. The illustrations are good. But what is meant by the picture on p. 114 ? Ernest has hooked a salmon (!) and is pulling furiously at the line (he has a rod !) The text has " was pulling might and main at his fishing-rod." This is obscure.