SIR,—In your last issue " Wull o' Glesca " shifts his position. In his first letter (Spectator, November 21st) he defended the " ca' canny " policy ; now he denies that the workers ever practise it. I, too, speak from experience. I served my time in an engineering works and have studied at a University. All my working life, some twenty-five years, I have met with this obstacle to progress : " That the less work you do, the more there is to go round." It is common knowledge in all works that the Unions encourage this idea. I have seen machines in the United States turning off twice as much work as we do here with machines of the same make. I hope your correspondent studied your excellent article on "Two Pre- liminaries to Labour Copartnership" in your last issue, particularly the latter part of it.—I am, Sir, &c., LANCASTRIAN.