In The Debate On The First Reading Of The Imperial
Budget in the Reichstag on Saturday last Herr Sydow, Secretary for the Imperial Treasury, stated that the sum which the Imperial Government had set itself to raise by new......
No Doubt By Reducing The Sinking Fund By £6,000,000 Or
so, and by staving off payments rightly due next year to the year after, it is just possible that it may be made to appear that only £6,000,000 is required to be raised by new......
On Wednesday, At A General Meeting Of The Education ....
Committee, Lord Cromer, who presided, won very hearty approval from his very distinguished audience by declaring that a noble attempt had recently been made to settle the......
The Meeting, Though Disfigured And Degraded By The Scenes We
have described, was undoubtedly a great personal triumph for Mr. Lloyd George, who stood his ground throughout, never lost his temper, and, though it took him two hours to......
Lord Rosebery Made An Interesting Speech On National...
Edinburgh yesterday week at the prize-giving of the 7th (Leith) Battalion of the Royal Scots. He could not believe in an unprovoked attempt by Germany to invade our shores ;......
The Tercentenaryof Milton's Birth Was Celebrated On...
Thursday. On Tuesday, the eve of the birth- day, Dr. A. W. Ward delivered an address before the British Academy, which organised the celebrations, and Professor Gollancz recited......
The Great Meeting In Support Of Woman Suffrage Organised By
the Women's Liberal Federation was held in the Albert Hall last Saturday afternoon. As it was known beforehand that the National Women's Social and Political Union were resolved......
A Suffrage Bill, Like Any Great Franchise Bill, Could Not
be brought in except on the eve of a dissolution, and the time for that was not yet ripe. In his view, the only chance of these proposals being defeated was the possibility of a......
Bank Rate, 21 Per Cent., Changed From 8 Per Cent.
May 28th. Console (2i) were on Friday 88F—on Friday week 83f.......