The Byzantine Research And Publication Fund.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] you allow me to enlist the sympathy of your readers in behalf of the Byzantine Research and Publication Fund, the subscribers to which held......
[to Tim Editor Op Tier "eprorator."]
Silk—The discussion called forth by Canon Lyttelton's remarks on schoolboy life in Germany reminds me of a con- versation which I recently had with a man whose opinion carries......
" Lollardy And The Reformation In England."
[To TEM EDITOR OP THE "BrzerreoR."] Sin,—May I be allowed to say just a word in reference to your review in the Spectator of November 28th of my book on Lollardy and the......
[to Thr Editor Of The" Spectator. - ] Sra,—permit Me To...
experience of my own which may throw some light on the German and English schoolboy (see Spectator, December 5th). I have been nearly entirely educated in Germany, going over......