12 DECEMBER 1908, page 20

"the Irish Dames Of Ypres."

[To THE EDITOR 01 TEl "SPECTATOR. " ] Sts,—A friend has drawn my attention to your review of my book, "The Irish Dames of Ypres," in your issue of Novem- ber 28th, in which your......


I'll tell it you, dear toys :- The path was kept for motor-cars, The road was left for boys. Of course, you had to cross the path To get back home for tea; But motors seemed the......


MAN AND THE UNIVERS4.* THIS is a collection of essays dealing with religious subjects which Sir Oliver Lodge has published more or less recently in various periodicals. Taken......

A Correction.

[TO THE EDITOE OF THE " SPEOTATOE.".1 &a, — DI your review in the issue of the Spectator of the 5th inst. you quote the oft-repeated and oft-corrected statement that Wellington......

Notice.—when Articles Or "correspondence " Are Signed...

or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked - "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......