[To THR EDITOR OP TnS .EPRCTATOR.1 consider it very wrong and not at all wise of "Senex" to suppose and impute motives where he does not know the facts (see Spectator, December 5th). He may take it from me, as the secretary of this club, where a great deal of auction bridge is played, that if the risks are deliberately increased at auction bridge, the stakes are as deliberately reduced. The average rubber at bridge is 170 points, the average rubber at auction bridge is 340 points. The record rubber at auction bridge, within my knowledge, has been 1,460 points, the record rubber at bridge 982 points. No player of whom I have ever heard plays auction• bridge for stakes more than half as high as those for which he plays, or used to play, bridge.—I am, New Bridge Club. Sir, ALEXANDER TEIXEIRA DE MATTO&