In the "English Churchman's Library" (A. R. Mowbray and Co.,
ls. net each) we have The Practical Religion, by Vernon Staley, Fourth Edition ; Letters to a Godson : Second Series, by M. Cyril Bickersteth, M.A. ; The Christian Use of the Psalter, by the Rev. A. R. Whitham; and Our Working Girls and Haw to Help Them, by Flora Lucy Freeman.—In the "Arts of the Church" (same publishers, ls. ad. net) The Ornaments of the Ministers, by the Rev. Percy Dearmer.—In the " Handbooks of English Church Expansion" (same publishers, 2s. net) North India, by the Rev. C. F. Andrews.—We have also received " English Church Manuals" (Longmans and Co., Id. each), among them being Preparation for Holy Communion, by the Rev. H. M. Lang, and The Dawn of the Reformation, by the Rev. H. C. H. Probyn. They may be described as a manifesto of the Liberal Evangelicals.