[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:9 Sin, — Last November, I
went to Lincoln on purpose to see the cathedral; the weather was inclement, and I was a perfect stranger in the place. But it would give me pleasure if you could allow me to record the kindly welcome given to me within the walls of that most beautiful old cathedral. Its doors were open all day long ; it was as well warmed as one could wish. One could wander about the nave, or sit and meditate there, without question. On payment of sixpence, I received an excellent plan and description of the building, and spent some hours in examining the choir, angel-choir, and side- chapels unattended and undisturbed. Altogether, the arrange- ments for a thorough enjoyment of both cathedral and service
seemed to me to be perfect.—I am, Sir, &c., E. M. B.