Lady Blue-beard. By The Author Of " %it And Zoe."
2 vols. (Blackwood and Sons.)—There is a great deal of smartness in the writing of this book ; in fact, there is far too much. There is a story, and the story is worth telling ;......
The Children's Fairy History Of England. By The Rev. Forbes
E. Winslow, M.A. (D. Stott.)—We do not see the good of the" mes- meric seances" which the author employs by way of machinery to introduce his narrative of English history. And,......
Two Children's Magazines Come To Us, Somewhat Late For...
from the Religious Tract Society. These are, Our Little Dots : Pretty Pictures and Stories for Little Girls and Boys, and The Child's Companion and Juvenile Instructor. In both......
The B/acklicfl Ghosts. By Sarah Tytler. (chatto And...
writer takes for her theme the misfortunes of a Devonshire family, the Endicotts of Blackball. The heroine, of course, is a daughter of the family, a strong, self-willed, but......