The Children's Fairy History of England. By the Rev. Forbes
E. Winslow, M.A. (D. Stott.)—We do not see the good of the" mes- meric seances" which the author employs by way of machinery to introduce his narrative of English history. And, generally, we fail to appreciate Mr. Winslow's fun. The history itself is not better than what we have seen more than once before. In fact, it is not so good. We would far sooner put our old friend, Mrs. Markham's history, into a child's hand than this volume. Even the "Comic History" would be better than this, for it is at least laughable. Of course, Constantine's mother, Helena, turns up again as a "British Christian." How people contrive to escape enlightenment on such points as these ! Why did not Mr. Winslow take the obvious precaution of looking out the name in the "Dictionary of Christian Biography "?