News Of The Week.
A ROYAL betrothal of some importance is announced,— that of the Cesarewitch to the Princess Alix, daughter of the Grand Duke of Hesse, and granddaughter of our own Queen. The......
The French Chambers, Which Had Been In Recess For A
few days, met again on Wednesday, and M. Menne was re-elected President of the Chamber by 253 votes, to 141 which were given to M. Andrieux, the nominee of the Reactionaries. M.......
Lord Kimberley Made A Moderate Speech In Defence Of Home-
rule on Wednesday at a meeting of the Wymondham Liberal Association. He asserted, first, that the Irish are far too sensible of the advantage of being associated with the more......
The Correspondence About The Monstrous Accusation Brought...
Morier by the German Press has been pretty active during the week, and has brought out most conclusively that, in the first place, Marshal Bazaine could not have been first......
Notice To Advertisers.
With the " SPECTATOR" of Saturday, January 26th, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements.......
* * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In
any case.......