The People Of South Lambeth Are Most Anxious To Buy
a property which will make them a pleasant park. They can buy it for 245,000, and they have received grants in aid from public bodies and private persons to the amount of......
Our Recent Weather Has Been Bad Enough, As Londoners Know,
even when the blinding fog has not made life a burthen; but at least we are free of the elemental convulsions which in America add such a terror to existence. On Wednesday, the......
It Seems To Have Been Conceived In One Quarter That
in commenting on Miss Wedgwood's paper on "The Cambridge Apostles" last Saturday, in our review of the Magazines, we had intended to say that the modern Agnostics are in some......
Mr. Labouchere Goes About Preaching-doctrines Which Will...
greatest use to the Unionist cause. He identified himself at Gloucester on Tuesday with the "Plan of Cam- paign" and with boycotting in its most malignant form. "He could not......
Mr. Llewelyn Davies And The Salvation Army Have Re- Newed
their engagem - ent during the week, with much the same result as before. The Salvation Army can produce plenty of members who live in or near Lisson Grove ; but they cannot......
The Burglars Are Getting Quite Reckless As To Murder. In
a burglary committed at 8 o'clock on Tuesday evening at Muswell Hill, the burglars fired many times at the owner of the house, Mr. Atkin. and his sons, and wounded Mr. George......
Pygmies Exist, But They Are Not Very Small. That Seems
to be the first deduction from the lecture on the subject given by Professor Flower on Thursday at the London Institution. The smallest known race, he says, are some Negroes......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
New Consols (2:-.) were on Friday 991 r to 991.......