12 JULY 1879, Page 3

M. Delaunay writes to the Saturday Review of last week

:— " Vous me demandez quell° actrice a jone Dorine dams Tccrtztfc le 7th Juin (matinee). J'etais semainier, et je puis done vous renseigner. C'est Madame Dinah Felix (la jeune so3ur de Rachel) qui a joue cc role, et son Humes a (Ste assez vif pour quo le publieanglais l'ait rappelee apses le 2me acte," As we con- clude that M. Delaunay's—as Remainier—is the best evidence to be obtained on the subject, we think it due to Madame Dinah Felix to say that the high and just praise awarded by our critic to Mdlle. Samary on that occasion was, it appears, really due to Madame Felix. How Mr. Mayer, the manager for the French plays, writing more than a fortnight after the performance in question had taken place, could have contrived to fall, as he did, into the same error as our critic, we cannot conceive. But as the blunder gave to one actress the praise due to another, we feel bound to rectify the error.