12 JULY 1879, page 24

Heroes Of The Mission Field. By The Right Rev, W.

Palcenham Walsh, Dl)., Bishop of Ossory. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—The Bisheip's first chapter deals with "Apostolic and Early Missions the First Three Centuries, " a period in......

Novels.—the Lady Of Oakinere ; Or, Lost Lives. By Charles

Durant. 3 vole:' (Chapman and Ilall.)—This is a clover book, written in a style that is always vigorous, and sometimes oven becomes brilliant ; but we cannot call it a good......

Pleasant Days In Pleasant Places. By Edward Walford, M.a....

and Bogue.) — Mr. Walford takes his readers to a number of places which are commended either by the beauty of the scenery or by the interest of their associations. In one or two......

The Fourteen Phi/ippic Orations Of M. Tullius Cicero. A Now

Trans- lation. By John R. King, MA. (James Thornton.)—If Mr. King in- tended this volume for a " crib, " to uso a common phrase, or to put it more politely, to help examinees......