12 JULY 1879, page 23

The Life Of Dr. A. Duff. By Dr. G. Smith.

(Hodder and Stoughton.)—1 is, of course, nearly impossible to review the . first volume of a biography, completeness being the essential condition of the study of a life. All we......

Church Action And Principles Of Tjaion. Papers Read...

Diocesan Conference at Wells, and the Ruridocanal Conference at Bridgewater. By the Rev. II. S. Escott, M.A.—These are excellent papers. In the second especially, on "Oar......

Novels.—the Lady Of Oakinere ; Or, Lost Lives. By Charles

Durant. 3 vole:' (Chapman and Ilall.)—This is a clover book, written in a style that is always vigorous, and sometimes oven becomes brilliant ; but we cannot call it a good......

Current Literature..

Aunit Judy's Magazine, for July. (George Bell and Sons.)—Atitit Judy. is more various and lively than usual this month. She is less didactic and more amusing, and appeals more......

Egyptian B Ond S.*

A REVIEWER sees the name of a new author in the department of fiction with a mixed feeling of weariness and curiosity. A new writer will probably only add to the heaps of......