12 JULY 1879, page 1

Mr. Chaplin On Friday Week Brought Forward His Proposal For

a Royal Oommission to inquire into the causes of agricultural distress, which was conceded by the Government, and unop- posed by any of the parties, though Mr. Bright, in a......

Lord Salisbury On Wednesday Made A Speech Intended To Be

reassuring to the Conservatives of the City, in which was a slashing attack on the Radicals, and a sneer at Lord Hartingtou for having to lead those " Circassians " of politics,......

The " Domestic " Scene Of Monday Was Followed By

a still wilder general scene on Thursday, when the Irish Members dis- covered, in a part of the House appropriated to Members, an official of the House taking elaborate notes of......

Mr. Sampson Lloyd, On Tuesday, Pressed Once More On The

House of Commons a resolution affirming that all departments of the Executive Government connected with agriculture or commerce should be united under a Principal Secretary of......

News Of The Week.

T HE news from the Cape extends to 24th June, and is not very peaceful. The armistice, or rather "suspension of hosti- lities," as Sir M. Hicks-Beach called it, granted to......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any


The Campaign Against Flogging In The Army Reached A Sort

of crisis on Monday night, when Colonel Stanley stated that thb Government intended to abandon it for all offences except offences which may be punished by death, and that of......