Crocus or Speedwell ?
Commenting the other day on the early emergence of the hive bees, a highly scientific critic averred that the bees avoided the garden flowers, preferring weeds because they contained a stronger nectar. It is, of course, undoubted that they like their little strong, and later in the year may prefer the dandelion before the apple blossom for some such reason. My bees showed a strong preference for garden flowers, and wallowed in the yellow crocuses. A scientist's apiary in the neigh- bourhood is provided with a line of .sallows and willows for these early caterers, and they delight in the hardly nectarous catkins. Pollen at this date is at least as pressing a need as nectar, and the garden flowers provide it more generously than the weeds, which indeed are few. It has of course been proved that later in the year a large crop of dandelions may reduce the yield of apples by providing a superior lure to the fertilising insect.