Needs Or Work
Sig,—In your article The Challenge of Prague you mentioned the doctrine, " From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs," as being considered by many to be......
"rome Bewildered"
Sut,—In your issue of February 27th Mr. Raleigh Trevelyan, commenting on my article, Rome Efisaildered, points out that there is " nothing much wrong with the open-air selling......
Sir, —in His Article Rome Bewildered In The Spectator Of...
20th Mr. Godwin says he dined one night with an Italian professor, a famous and distinguished civil engineer, who had survived Mussolini's regime solely because of his......
Deforestation In Germany
Sig,—Few people in this country are aware to what extent irreplaceable capital values are being destroyed in German forests. 150,000 tons of timber per month are being taken as......
The Quality Of Our Milk Sir, I Agree With So
much of the valuable letter on this subject from your contributor, Mr. D. H. Bennison, that it is perhaps worth while clarifying one point which may lead to confusion of......
No Pigs S1r,—there Is Another Aspect Of The Situation...
by Mr. Thomas Lodge's letter. Some of us, in spite of having no ration for the reasons given by Mr. Lodge, have struggled during and since the war to breed and fatten pigs in......
S P E C T Ta T R
SUBSCRIPTION RA FES :— 52 weeks. 26 week s. d. £ s. d Great Britain and Overseas by ordinary mail I 10 0 15 0 Air Mail to Members of the Forces in any part of the World ... .........