12 MARCH 1948, page 2

Schuman Or De Gaulle

France continues to live, politically, from hand to mouth. M. Schuman has succeeded in passing through the Assembly his Govern- ment's special levy—or, rather, in assuring that......

" Mutual Assistance "

The Finns are off to Moscow along a road as full of foreboding as that which, before and during the war, led to Berchtesgarten. They had little choice but to go ; will they have......

The Post-war Navy

The debate on the Naval Estimates on Monday served one useful purpose. It should dissipate the idea, which inept methods of publicity have most unfortunately discouraged, that......

Trouble In The Gold Coast

No doubt any Communist sympathisers there are in the Gold Coast have exploited as far as they can the disturbances which have recently taken place in Accra and other large......

Southern Rhodesia's Wealth

The potential wealth of Southern Rhodesia is immense, but it will take extensive capital expenditure to make it available to the world. This has long been known, but the first......