12 MARCH 1948, page 3

At Westminster

M ONDAY'S Question Time looked like followin g its traditional course, with rather more q uestions answered and rather fewer be Memrs in their places than later in the week. Sir......

Agreement On Wheat The Five-year Pact On Wheat Prices...

in Washin g ton by the representatives of thirty-six nations of the International Wheat Council is the first successful attempt to stabilise wheat prices by international a g......

The Post-war Navy

The debate on the Naval Estimates on Monday served one useful purpose. It should dissipate the idea, which inept methods of publicity have most unfortunately discouraged, that......

Parliament And Party

It would be a mistake to exa gg erate the importance of a resolution which appears on the a g enda of the Labour Party's Whitsuntide Conference demandin g that when Labour is in......