IA Book Token for one guinea will be a-.rarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week March 23rd. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word " Cross-wprcl," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 2 d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the toile,. :71g issue.]
I. The recipe for this is vanilla ice and ham. (13.)
8. Told by the grandfather clock ? (4, 4.) 9. Too bad !.• (6.)
12. It finally develops into a Greek letter. (4.)
13. Who has this feature ? Not us ! (5.) 14. Uriah but not Hittite. (4.) 17. Nothing in French ink. (6.) 18. Moorland pessimist. (7.) 20. Wife of Agrippa. (7.) 22. Two gun dogs ? (6.)
25. " Will you buy any tape, or for your cape, my dainty duck ? " (Shakespeare). (4.) 26. If this island lived up to its name there might be more bread. (5.)
27. " N," as spoken by a cow, is sheer lunacy. (4.) 30. It's a matter of taste. (6.) 31. A glance I get from her. (8.) 32. Built before erected, so to speak. (13.)
2. Manx 31. (7.)
3. " I em Misanthropes and mankind " (Shakespeare). (4.) 4. Celestial eye, but not its apple. (6.)
5. " A very foolish fond old man." (4.) 6. Curves about her, and given to drawing the long bow. (7.) " Be ready, gods, with all your dash him to pieces " (Shakespeare). (12.) 10. Kipling ditties. (12.) 11. Infested carriage. (5.) 15. Bear I burn. (5.) 16. The old lawyer doesn't complete his farewell. (5.) 19. He reached the North Pole in 1909. (5.) 21. How to get Mrs. Gamp better. (7.)
23. Honoured, financially, in the breach perhaps. (10.)
24. Shared by Miss Mitford and Bulwer Lytton. (6.) 28. Undressed colour. (4.)
29. True girl. (4.)