12 NOVEMBER 1910, Page 2

It was noticed that the Duke spoke of the King

having been prevented from visiting South Africa "for the present." The phrase apparently means that the King contemplates going to South Africa, and probably to other parts of the Empire. some time after the Coronation. Lord Gladstone in the Speech from the Throne announced the appointment of a Commission to make recommendations for the reorganisation of the public services. Its Report would be considered before a general scheme was introduced, but urgent changes would be effected as soon as possible. Another „Commission would report on the Customs, on local industries, and other matters. The Government would present a scheme for a national South African University. On Saturday the Duke of Connaught laid the foundation-stone of a new University hall. Mr. Malan. Minister of Education, stared that Mr. Beit's legacy of £200.000 for a University at Johannesburg would be diverted to the creation of a University at Cape Town. It was also announced that Sir Julius Wernher would make up the amount to 1:500,000. Altogether, there is no mistaking the splendid spirit of enterprise, munihcence, and public, service with which the new era in South Africa has been inaugurated. He must indeed be a pessimist who does not look to the future with high hopes.