12 NOVEMBER 1910, page 24

Readable Novell—babes In The Wood. By B. M. Croker. (methuen

and Co. 6s.)—" A Romance of the Jungles" is the sub- title. We are taken to the "jungles," it is true, but the romance is rather of the cantonment, and very good of its kind. —......


THE ANDERSONS.* Miss MACNAUGHTAN, to whom we are indebted for excellent entertainment in the past, has enhanced our obligation by her new novel. The Andersons deals with the......

The House Of Serravalle. By Richard Begot. (methuen And Co.

6s.)—The first part of this novel is, it must be confessed, somewhat tedious, Mr. Bagot's talents lying rather in the narra- tion of events than in delineation of character. His......

Somf■ Books Of The Week.

[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not bun reserved for review in other forms.] Jacobite Extracts front the Parish Registers of St. Germain-en- Laye.......

An Affair Of Dishonour. By William De Morgan. (w. Heine-

mann. 63.)—We may borrow, for the purpose of expressing our general opinion of this tale, the comment of Mr. John Rackham, groom, after he has related the local ghost story :......

Pongo And The Bull. By Hilaire Belloc, M.p. (constable And

Co. 6s.)—Mr. Belloc gives us here a political novel, projecting himself and his readers into a future-1925 is the date—not so remote as to be uninteresting, not so near as to......