12 NOVEMBER 1910, Page 24

READABLE NOVELL—Babes in the Wood. By B. M. Croker. (Methuen

and Co. 6s.)—" A Romance of the Jungles" is the sub- title. We are taken to the "jungles," it is true, but the romance is rather of the cantonment, and very good of its kind.—Light Refreshment. By W. Pett Ridge. (Hodder and Stoughton. 2s. net.)—Mr. Pett Ridge puts to a severe test the nihil humani a me alienum puto ; but it is astonishing how he interests us in uninteresting people.—The Nine Bears. By Edgar Wallace. (Ward, Lock, and Co. 6s.)—A thrilling romance of high, very high, finance.—The Pursuit. By Frank Savile. (E. Arnold 6s.)—This is a very spirited story, with local colour from the Moroccan coast. One wonders how the hero survived such knocking about; but this has to be taken for granted.