12 NOVEMBER 1910, page 2

At The Guildhall Banquet On Wednesday Mr. Asquith Made No

political disclosure, and indeed scarcely referred to home politics, except in an allusion to the rioting in Wales and to the improvement of the Trade Returns. He explained the......

A Striking Speech Was Made On The Same Occasion By

Sir John French, who replied to "the calumnious charges of inefficiency and incompetence which had been unwarrantably levelled against the office rs and men of his Majesty's......

We Note With The Utmost Satisfaction The Able And Uncom-

promising Manifesto on Home-rule issued by the Reveille Movement which appeared in last Saturday's papers. "Should the Unionist Party cease to be Unionist," the Manifesto......

The Tsar Arrived At Potsdam On Friday Week For A

short visit of thirty-six hours to the German Emperor. As the Tsar had been passing some time with his grand-ducal relations in Germany, it was natural for him to visit the......

We Must Protest Here Against The Tone Of A Portion

of the telegram sent by Mr. Churchill on Wednesday. To say, as he did, to the miners that "their best friends here are greatly distressed at the trouble which has broken out,......

We Have Dealt With The General Aspect Of The Welsh

strike elsewhere. The rioting, which had continued during the week, had almost ceased by Thursday night, when the Home Office was able to issue a statement that the whole......

Minister Of Finance, And Herr Von Helfferich, Who Repre-...

the German syndicate. The Constantinople corre-_ spondent of the Times says that the syndicate takes a 4 per cent. loan of £T.7,040,000 at 84. The expenses of the issue are to......

It Was Noticed That The Duke Spoke Of The King

having been prevented from visiting South Africa "for the present." The phrase apparently means that the King contemplates going to South Africa, and probably to other parts of......

On Friday Week The Duke Of Connaught Opened In State

the first Parliament of the Union of South Africa at Cape Town. The ceremony took place in the House of Assembly, a wing modelled on the House of Commons which has recently been......

In A Royal Proclamation, Issued In Tuesday's Papers, The...

of the Coronation is fixed for Thursday, June 22nd next. The Proclamation states that the part of the ceremony which in times past took place in Westminster Hall will be......