12 NOVEMBER 1910, Page 2

We have dealt with the general aspect of the Welsh

strike elsewhere. The rioting, which had continued during the week, had almost ceased by Thursday night, when the Home Office was able to issue a statement that the whole situation was completely under the control of the pollee. One of the most unpleasant features of the strike has been the brutal- behaviour of the men in abandoning the three hundred pit ponies in the Glamorgan Kne, and preventing any food or drink from being taken to them. We are glad to learn that early on Thursday morning a rescue party of seven men succeeded in reaching the ponies and bringing them an ample supply of food and water. The rescue party are to be con- gratulated upon the courage and perseverance with which they undertook their dangerous mission, and special credit is due to Mr. Llewellyn, the general manager of the Glamorgan Mine. It is to be noted that after the work of relief was over a deputation from the men's organisation came to offer help in respect of the horses.