12 NOVEMBER 1910, page 17

A Memorial To Florence Nightingale.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.1 Sin,—The suggestion in your last issue of a Nightingale nurse as to providing homes for old pensioners whose friends or relations do not care......


THE GRAFTON GALLERY. IN spite of the special pleading of the preface to the catalogue of this strange collection, it seems unjust to make Monet in any way responsible for the......


NORFOLK. (A Study in County Characteristics) NORFOLK, although no morntain ranges Girdle your plains with a bastioned height, Yet is your landscape rich in changes, Filling the......

Wordsworth And The Stanza "small Service Is True Service."

[To Tan EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR." SIE,—The quatrain on the daisy and its shadow protecting the lingering dewdrop from the sun—referred to by Mx. Lionel Tollemache in his......

'society For The Propagation Of The Gospel In Foreign...

DISCLAIMER. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 Sin, — In the Spectator of November 5th Mr. Brigstocke was -so good as to express his regret for the mistake made in his letter......

Not/ce. — When Articles Or "correspondence" Are Signed...

or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to bo in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mods of......

Pro The Editor. Or The "spectator."] Tollemache's...

the occasion of this poem raises some interesting questions for the Words- worth student. The poet himself gives 1834 as the date of composition, and in the "Fenwick note says......

[*** We Are Informed That The Inference In A Letter

published in the Spectator of the 29th ult. that Chambers's Journal refused to publish a reply to some criticisms that had appeared in its pages on the old Friendly Societies is......