12 NOVEMBER 1921, Page 2

The ex-Emperor Charles and his wife were taken lash week

in the British monitor ' Glowworm ' down the Danube to Orsova, and thence by land to Galati, where they embarked on the British cruiser ' Cardiff.' They will, it is understood, be required to live at Madeira, where the dethroned Hapsburg should be out of harm's way. The Hungarian National Assembly on Sunday, at the instance of the Allies, passed a Bill declaring that the ex-Emperor had ceased- to be King of Hungary. The Magyars have thus followed the example of the English Conven- tion Parliament ,of 1889, which virtually deposed- James the Second by declaring the throne vacant. It may be hoped that Hungary will now fulfil the terms of the Peace Treaty by evacuating the Burgenland, west of the Danube, and thus relieve her neighbours, from much anxiety.