12 NOVEMBER 1921, page 24

. Annuals.

ONE of the best series of books ever published for young children is The Rosebud Annual (James Clarke. 5s. net). The new volume is as good as ever. It is printed in large, clear......

Other Days. By J. W. Leigh. (t. Fisher Unwin. 188.

net.) -The late Dean of Hereford in these pleasant reminiscences recalls Cambridge in the late 'fifties, the Near East a little later, long visits to America after the Civil......

Gift - Books.

ILLUSTRATED WORKS AND REPRINTS. TiIE prettiest book of the season is unquestionably .Kate Green • away Pictures, with an appreciation by Mr. H. M. Cundall (F. Warne. 21s. net).......

Some Books Of The Week.

INdies in this column does not necessarild preclude subsequent maims.] The Geographical Journal for November contains the latest information about the reconnaissance of Mount......

The Great White South. By Herbert G. Ponting. (duckworth....

net.)-Mr. Ponting has delighted many thousands of people with his lectures on Captain Scott's South Polar expedition and with his photographs of Antarctic life and scenery. This......

Mr. Masefield's Spirited Poem, Reynard The Fox, Has Been...

on good paper (Heinemann. 5s. net). It is charmingly illustrated by Mr. O. D. Armour, whose four coloured plates and many line drawings have character and humour.-Mr. Archibald......

Mr. Stephen Leacock's Nonsense Novels Appears In An...

repriiit (Lane. 10s. 6d. net). We must commend the illustrator, Mr. John Kettlewell, on his success. His droll coloured designs are as funny in their way as the text.---inother......

Cricket And Cricketers. By Colonel Philip Trevor....

128. 6d. net.)-.Colonel Trevor has written another interesting book about the many famous cricketers - whom he has known. His chapters on " W. G.," " Ranji," Mr. C. B. Fry and......

Ilerbert Strang's Annual (h. Milford, 8s. 6d. Net),...

the fourteenth year in succession, contains a set of short stories-of schooldays, the War, the Far West, and so on-with a few articles, one of which describes the work'of......