12 NOVEMBER 1921, page 3

The House Of Commons On Thursday; November 3rd, Dis- Cussed

and adopted a Supplementary E t stieutte of £350,00 0 for - the Colonial Office, to be partly devoted to the work of settling ex-Service men hr the Domitriong. The debate was......

Sir Robert Home Went On To Say That The Revenue

would fail to provide the £80,000,000 required for sinking fund. Allowing for the bonds surrendered in payment of excess profits duty, he would have to borrow about £60,000,000......

The Prison Commissioners Report That During The Year...

number of prisoners increased by nearly 10,000 as compared with the previous year. The criminals munbered 42,802, or 8,500 more than in 1919-20. The unlucky people imprisoned......

A Resolution Expressing Warm Approval Of The Washington...

adopted, on the motion of Mr. Clynes, by the House of Commons on Friday, November 4th, after a debate in which all the speakers were in substantial agreement. Mr. Chamberlain......

We May Be Allowed To Offer A Word Of Greeting

and good wishes to the Westminster Gazette in its new form. It has become a morning newspaper, and has put off its familiar green garb and taken on an ordinary white dress. We......

The Chancellor Of The Exchequer, In The House On Wednesday,

made an important and by no means encouraging statement on the state of the finances. He had estimated for a surplus of £177,000,000, subject to a liability of £80,000,000 for......

The Prime Ministeereeeived The-miners' Leaders On...

that-the Government must decline to. ask Par- liament to devote the unexpended balance of the temporary aubsidy granted in July to the maintenance of miners' wages at an......

Sir Donald Maclean Justly Pointed Out, In The Brief Debate

which followed, that the Government had been unduly opti- mistic anclshould have faced the facts sooner. Many firms were Paying their income-tax by borrowing from the banks on......

A Railway Guard, Who Was Asked The Other Day To

include his tips in his income-tax return, resented the request. Sympathetio commentators suggested that the Inland Revenue authorities were going too far. But it was then......

Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 5. Per Cent.

Nov. 3, 1021 ; 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 8711; Thursday week, 88t ; a year ago, 83i.......