The Traffic In Old Horses.
[To THE EDITOR OF, THE " SPECTATOR.") Sta,—May I draw the attention of your. readers to an error in the signed statement of the Minister of Agriculture re old horse traffic,......
Coke And Its By-products.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sta,—You have an article in your last issue on "Work for the Unemployed " which concludes with a rhapsody on coke. What the connexion......
Some Anglo-american Questions.
[To THE EDITOR or TIIE SPECT/TOR."1 SLR,—Among the reactions since the War, one of the most unfortunate is the superficial irritation among the people of England toward the......
America And Treaty Rights.
[TO TOE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR ,—The recent action of the Senate in respect to the preferential treatment of American coastwise shipping and Panama tolls, resisted as......